This module explores how new and emerging technologies can be used to support interactive feedback, co-creation of knowledge and engagement with other disciplines and external bodies to provide authentic teaching and learning. It explores how one can consider a move away from the traditional didactic teaching methods to ones that can use new technology to develop a more student-centered learning.
Participants will read and consider articles that explore how opening up teaching online to invite new partners can produce a new connected curriculum which repositions the lecturer as a link facilitator in developing the University as an orchestrated network. The module comprises both synchronous and asynchronous components.
The asynchronous portion involves pre-task readings, a post-task activity develops the discussion from the synchronous session using peer to peer learning. For the synchronous session, the facilitators will provide an introduction to circular pedagogy and transdisciplinarity and some of the opportunities and challenges and discuss how alternatives to the traditional didactic approach to learning/teaching can be implemented through the use of new/ emerging technologies. The module contents will be delivered through a range of methods, including examples and interactive activities.